Wet-Layup Protection with Nitrogen Blanketing is necessary and proven method to help protect and avoid corrosion of your boiler circuit with the South-Tek Systems N2-GEN Nitrogen Generator Series.
No more need to use tube trailers, costly demurrage charge, cylinder maintenance and storage. Make the nitrogen for your application ANY TIME you need it and REDUCE COSTS. Real ROI that can be proven and deliver real savings to your annual maintenance budgets!
Problems related with improper layup include general corrosion, which adds to elevated iron levels in boiler water, and pitting corrosion conducive to the cracking of pressure parts and waterside leaks. Inadequate layup also can force operators to extend startups to satisfy chemistry specifications.
The Solution – South-Tek Systems – N2-GEN Nitrogen Generator using state-of-the-art PSA technology. By converting compressed air readily available from plant supply our N2 Series delivers concentrated nitrogen output stream. With integrated PLC-based control system, we assure the plant of nitrogen having a purity 99.6% up to 99.999%.
The N2 Series generator provides a nitrogen blanket capable of preventing oxygen ingress and for improving the overall cycle chemistry. EPRI recommends a minimum of 99.6% nitrogen purity for wet layup and can easily accomplished with our system.
During periods of fuel-pipe inerting, the generator can easily be set to purge any pipe in the plant, eliminating the need for bulk nitrogen storage or cylinders. A quick connection to the nitrogen-generator outlet with a standard hose is used to reach any fuel-pipe tap necessary to inert the entire system prior to maintenance.
The Result: The nitrogen generator has improved overall cycle chemistry by reducing iron deposition in the boiler and HRSG units caused by surface corrosion.
In addition, achieve key startup chemistry much faster following a boiler layup with a nitrogen cap than without. Other benefits achieved include the following:
- Improved overall cycle chemistry by reducing iron deposits caused by surface corrosion
- An EPRI key initiative – Achieve optimum and key startup chemistry much faster following a nitrogen boiler layup.
- Reduced nitrogen bulk, storage, rental costs by utilizing onsite production.
- The potential for employee injuries associated with handling and maintenance of high pressure cylinders and additional storage space.