Tank blanketing is a process used by various industries to prevent air, moisture and other contaminants from entering a storage container. This is done by introducing an inert gas into the container, which displaces oxygen and thereby reduces or eliminates the risk of moisture condensation and other elements that could compromise the quality of the product.
Benefits of Using Nitrogen Gas
Nitrogen is considered the most effective gas for use in tank blanketing, due to its non-combustible properties. Some of the most common uses for blanketing with nitrogen include:
- the prevention of oxidization in cooking oils and other liquids
- preparation of products for transport
- final packaging of food products
- prevention of harmful contaminants entering the storage space.
Oxidization is a major concern for many industrial facilities, as the presence of oxygen can react unfavorably with different materials, thereby altering the product’s quality. The presence of oxygen can significantly affect the quality, taste or functionality of various products, which is why tank blanketing is such an important part of the manufacturing and packaging industries.
Benefits of Using a Nitrogen Generator
Over the years, technological advances have allowed more industries to harness the power of nitrogen through efficient N2 generation systems. South-Tek Systems is a leading manufacturer of high purity nitrogen generators, which are often used in tank blanketing applications. The benefits of using a nitrogen generator for your facility’s blanketing system include increased safety, cost effectiveness and reliability.
Because a nitrogen generator creates its own supply of nitrogen from the surrounding air, the risk of running out or having to handle high-pressure nitrogen cylinders is eliminated. Additionally, since nitrogen is a dry, inert gas, the chances of combustion are practically eliminated. And since N2 generators from South-Tek Systems are sized appropriately to comply with Nitrogen purity and PSIG flow requirements, they are designed to work reliably for 20 years or more.
To learn more about how a Nitrogen generation system can benefit your facility in the tank blanketing process, contact South-Tek Systems today: 888-526-6284