N2GEN: Mission-Critical Nitrogen™ Generators for Laser Cutting
South-Tek Systems’ mission-critical nitrogen™ generator Laser Series is engineered to meet the various gas consumption needs of typical laser applications for all materials & thicknesses. Our dual-bed PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) filtration technology is the gold standard of nitrogen generation and ensures a reliable source of clean, dry, particulate-free nitrogen supply on demand.
Our mission-critical nitrogen™ generation solutions cater to the laser-cutting industry’s specific needs. Whether your nitrogen needs are for high production fabrication or you need flexible storage for cutting varying material types and thickness – South-Tek offers a standard product line engineered to meet your specific needs.
- 50-90% savings when compared to liquid bulk
- Fast payback with an average ROI of 12-14 months
- Eliminate deliveries and contracts
- Dual-bed, PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) technology
- Smart-Trak – Touchscreen control display; remote monitoring with mobile devices (select models)
- 18-24 year system life, dependent on maintenance
N2GEN Industrial Series for Laser-Cutting
Nitrogen generation systems are engineered to produce the precise purity and flowrate your application requires.

- Delivers 99.90 - 99.99% pure nitrogen
- Supplies dry, clean, low dew point nitrogen
- Provides a reliable source of nitrogen on-demand
- Serves multiple lasers
- Operates 24/7
- Delivers nitrogen at peak flow rate cutting
- Supplies clean, dry assist gas

- Delivers 99.99% pure nitrogen ensuring shiny and burr-free edges
- Supplies dry, clean, low dew point nitrogen
- Provides a reliable source of nitrogen for daily consumption
- Provides high-purity assist and purge gas
- Serves multiple lasers
- Stores volume for spikes in demand, refills in low demand hrs.
- Expands easily as needed
- Decreases electrical and compressed air demand

- Engineered specifically for the fiber laser head or bellow purge process.
- Supplies clean, dry, particulate-free purge gas
- Provides a reliable source of nitrogen on-demand
- Delivers 99.99% pure nitrogen

- South-Tek’s mixed gas blender, Precision Blend, delivers a precise blend ratio of oxygen and nitrogen. Ideal for fabricators working with mild steel or other materials where using a blend increases cut speeds and cut quality.
- Delivers high-pressure, high-flow mixed gas
- Increases cut speeds, quality and accuracy for thicker metals
- Reduces or eliminate dross

- Deliver clean, dry, contaminate-free high-performance/high-pressure air
- Increase cut speeds
- Improve edge quality – burr-free edge with no secondary operations required
- Cut aluminum (ideal for aluminum up to 1”) quickly, resulting in burr-free edge with no secondary operations required
- Easily couple with STS head purge high purity nitrogen

Mission-Critical Nitrogen™ for Laser-Cutting Applications
Laser Series (LS)
- Meets the needs of high production fabricators with long run hours, high beam-on time or lights out cutting.
- Produces nitrogen on-demand, • Reliably delivers instantaneous assist gas for peak flow rate cutting
- Air In: Nitrogen Out ratio is most the efficient in the industry.
High-Pressure Fill
- Provides the maximum daily assist gas consumption needed in flexible storage.
- Ideal for customers cutting varying material types and thickness
- Delivers 99.99% pure nitrogen ensures clean, shiny and burr-free edges
- Air In: Nitrogen Out ratio is the most efficient in the industry.
Laser Purge
- The only dual-bed, PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) nitrogen generator on the market engineered specifically for the fiber laser head or bellow purge process.
- Compact, cost-effective solution
- Only pay for the high-purity nitrogen your process needs
Cost Comparison
On average, South-Tek’s customers see a quick return on investment of 12-14 months. Our N2GEN industrial series provides a significant reduction of on-going operational expenses. Generating Nitrogen in-house stops dependency on 3rd party Nitrogen suppliers as well as the hassle of scheduling deliveries and negotiating long-term contracts.
On-Going Contracted Purchase

High-Pressure Bottles
Up to $25.00+ / CCF

Liquid Dewar
Up to $5.50+ / CCF

Liquid Bulk Tank
Up to $1.00+ / CCF
One-Time Capital Expense

24/7 Access to Monitor Your Nitrogen Generator
Easily access N2GEN system information with the Smat-Trak app from your mobile device. A powerful software/user interface, Smart-Trak offers unprecedented control and testing capabilities for the end-user. Monitor equipment runtime, time in air bypass mode, current system status and maintenance reminders.